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Almost time.

Summer is amazing.  Warm, sunshiny and generally lovely.

But as the calendar rolls into September, every year, I start to be drawn away from flowy summer dresses and flip flops to sweaters and jeans – even when it is still blazing hot outside.  There’s just something about fall…

Soon, my little babies, soon enough…


Heavy Medal

Today was kind of amazing.  Jaia got to meet Melissa Tancredi, one of the members of the bronze medal winning Canadian Women’s soccer team.  (The awesomely tiny Diana Matheson and the hilarious Erin McLeod were there too, but we didn’t get a chance to meet them).

I don’t think she understood the magnitude of the opportunity.  Was she excited?  Yes.  Did she know who the players were?  Sort of.  I talked a lot about them and watched soccer during the Olympics so she was well aware.  But quite frankly, it could have been the Team Canada bus driver sitting in front of that crowd and she would have been excited to go.  It was something different, so it was cool.

But she plays soccer and loves playing soccer, so meeting a grown up soccer player was pretty rad.

She thought ahead and brought her soccer ball and a Sharpie.  She sat down in front and immediately wanted my camera.  She patiently waited in line.  And when she got to the table, she acted like an old pro, deciding that the soccer ball was not good enough and tore off her jersey and asked her to sign that instead.

Oh yeah, and instead of just posing with her, Tancredi picked Jaia up and let her hold the medal.  You know, no big deal.

These ladies were awesome.  Classy, talented and hilarious.  If you hear that they are heading to your town, stop in and say hello.

September 11, 2012 - 11:14 pm

Auntie Lizzie - Wowowowowowowow!!!! So jealous 🙂

First Day of School 2012

So it came.  I talked about my anxiety and my excitement about today here and here.  Grade One and the first day of school have obviously been on my mind A LOT.

We crammed everything that we could in on the weekend.  It was one of the busiest of the summer and the kids were elated.  Friends, fun, camp-outs, ice cream at the park, walks, talks, play.  Everything.  We wanted to go out with a BANG and we did.

And then this morning, it was here.  It gave us a taste of our new life as we got up early and were on the go, go go right away.

Her excitement changed to nervousness as the morning progressed, but meeting the SUPER sweet teacher and finding out one of Jaia’s best chums will be in her class seemed to make her feel a little better.  A little.  She still looked terrified.

As I sit here typing in between twiddling my fingers, waiting for 3:45, I feel nervous.  It is my nature to worry.  Dan, on the other hand is 100% confident that she is having a wonderful time.  And I know he’s right.  I need to get confirmation from her to relax a little, but she will do great.  She will.  She always does.

I have a feeling that day 2 is going to be WAY better.  For both of us.

**Old friends, new school.  PERFECT combination!**

**Have you ever seen anything cuter…ever?**

And off we go………..Wish us luck!


September 11, 2012 - 11:12 pm

Auntie Lizzie - What a beautiful little lady!!! xoxoxox

Grade One

Please allow me just one more (ok, 2 more) posts about our transition into grade one.  This is huge for me, People.  HUGE.

Dear Jaia,

Grade 1.  Full day school.  Lunches AND snacks.  More independence than you’ve ever known.  More time away from me than I’ve ever known.

My beautiful girl, you are so ready.  Beyond ready.  Me, not so much.  But then, I’d never be.  I would be happy to have you as my sidekick forever, but couldn’t be more proud of you for wanting more.  You are strong and smart and brave and you are going to blow grade one away.

I promise to encourage and praise and love this new independence…but I can also promise that I will miss every single second that I won’t be with you.

If I can give you any advice as you start grade 1 in a new school, it is to be yourself.  And to trust yourself.  But, also, be kind. Treat people like you’d want to be treated.  If you see someone eating lunch alone, invite them to eat with you.  It’s amazing what a kind word can do to change the course of somebody’s day.  Be the one to be the friend.  You will never ever regret making someone feel good.  And that I promise.

Jaia, I absolutely adore you and I’m thrilled be be going along on this adventure with you, even if it is only from the sidelines cheering you on.



And a back to school post wouldn’t be complete without our annual photoshoot.  What a lovely little lady you are becoming.


Look at those freckles!  **LOVE**

Sneaky, sneaky…

Are we excited for back to school??

Let’s do this!


August 31, 2012 - 9:14 pm

Auntie Michelle - Awesome pics Shannen!! Please wish Jaia best of luck in Grade1 for us!! She will have a blast

September 1, 2012 - 2:42 pm

Auntie Jenny - Great photos – such a pretty little lady. Grade 1 – hard to believe!!

October 13, 2012 - 12:36 pm

Linds - oh man, cutest little girl ever 🙂