Masthead header

The photobooth never disappoints.

Give some girls a camera, some props and access to a camera, and hilarity ensues.  Almost all of these were taken by the girls themselves.  So awesome.

We hope you had a phenomenal New Year’s Eve…We definitely did!

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January 4, 2013 - 7:54 am

Sarah - Very nice!Good job girls.

January 4, 2013 - 11:16 am

Dan - holy epic post! Great shots. Smells like a new NYE tradition to me.

January 4, 2013 - 2:41 pm

Alicia - It was such a good time. The kids had a blast! Thanks again 🙂

January 4, 2013 - 6:33 pm

Auntie Jenny - Great photos. Happy New Year Fullerton’s!

Things and 365/3

Things in 2013:


10 Things I resolve to do:

1.  Blog more often.  4 times a week, at least.  Maybe.  Hopefully.

2.  Start and finish a Project 365.

3.  Somehow rid myself of my pelvic bursitis so I can properly train for a 10K and kill last year’s time.

4.  Play more, worry less.

5.  Learn to sew.

6.  See ALL the Oscar contenders BEFORE the show for the first time ever.

7.  Travel somewhere new.

8.  Take time for me.  Make time for me.

9.  Rekindle a few old and missed friendships.

10.  The usual suspects:  drink more water, exercise more, eat less junk.

(Today’s Project 365 prompt: Resolution)



5 Home Projects to FINISH in 2013:

1.  The bannisters and staircase and painting.  I stained one side months ago and it has sat untouched since.  It’s time.

2.  Finish painting the master bedroom.  We’ve crossed into our 3 rd year in this house and walls in our bedroom remain half painted.  (Do you see a trend?)

3.  Find a way to get the 30 year old, 300 lb chandelier down and replace it with something awesome.

4.  FINISH THE KITCHEN.  Please, oh, please let this happen.

5.  Repaint the main floor walls.  This is no east task, but totally overdue.



January 4, 2013 - 6:31 pm

Auntie Jenny - Learning to sew is on my list as well. My most recent ‘hem’ job was taking a pair of scissors to adjust the length of our bedroom curtains. Then I accidently sucked the ends up in a vacuum. Needless to say, they look fabulous.


Today’s prompt: You_Today.

I’m not into self portraits.  I don’t take pictures of myself in the mirror and I don’t have mountains of pictures held up at that angle of myself.  Not that’s there’s anything wrong with that, I just don’t do it.  Not alone anyway.  I’m more of a group self portraits kind of gal.

So today’s picture was especially hard to capture.  I hid behind some pretty sun flare, but if you squint, you may even make out that it is, in fact, me.


January 3, 2013 - 5:30 am

Linda - Very creative Shannen
Wishing you an early very Happy Birthday

Jaia’s Birthday Sushi Dinner

Jaia got to pick the restaurant for her birthday dinner.  Sawa Sushi took great care of us.

The Ika Yaki arrived last.  It received mixed reviews.

January 2, 2013 - 2:16 pm

Alicia - I’m not sure how ‘mixed’ those reviews are…Wes seems to be enjoying it the most.

January 2, 2013 - 11:03 pm

Shannen - It was repulsive.


Today I begin my third Project 365.  The first started when  I vowed to take pictures of every day of Jaia’s first year…and I was only moderately successful.  Having a newborn, a new schedule and very little sleep make for less than normal amounts of creativity and/or energy and/or free time.

Attempt number 2 was started entirely out of obligation.  I took a photo a day for Jaia’s first year, and I had to do the same for Wes.  He was new and I couldn’t have him suffer through second child syndrome immediately after birth.  So off we went.  Again only moderately successful.  This time I had TWO kids, very little sleep, a new schedule and very little sleep to go on.

So here we go again.  I’ve signed up here.  Motivation and a community of other crazies, including my friend Heather, doing the same thing.  I’m actually kind of excited.

You can follow my project on twitter, too.

Today’s prompt is Resolution.