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Law-abiding citizen



I’ll admit it…I broke the law this weekend.  Actually, I probably break the law every day (What, you don’t jay-walk?), but I got caught red-handed this weekend.  I was speeding.  73 in a 50 km/hr residential area.  The police officer was standing out in the open, pointing his little speed radar gun at me, and I didn’t notice.  I was too busy chatting with Dan and Humphrey about a very successful morning at puppy school.

Anyway, the good news is that he lowered my speed to 63 km/hr to avoid the loss of 3 demerit points.  The bad news?  I’m a delinquent wallet bringer and I had no ID.  None.  I pretended to look in my purse, glove comparment, under both visors and between the seats, but I knew before I started that my search would come up empty.    

That led to ticket number 2.  This one for $110 if I did not show up at a police station with my driver’s license within 72 hours.  This morning, at hour 68, I arrived at police HQ on Elgin Street with ticket and license in hand.  Problem was, there was nowhere to park.  All signs said that 1 hour parking was permitted between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.  It was 7:30 am.  I briefly thought about waiting around until I was actually allowed to park…and then quickly realized how ridiculous that was.  I was already late for work, and how long could the wait really be for the cashier at 7:30 am?

I pulled into the spot and got out, only to see a police car pull up beside me…to wait for the light to turn green.  PHEW!  But I still felt weird about breaking a rule right beside the cop shop.  Wouldn’t they be driving by constantly?  Wouldn’t mine be the only car parked on the street and therefore stand out?  I took a chance anyway.

Disaster averted.  I was in and out and no one noticed (or make that, no one cared).  The funny thing is that this whole mess didn’t do much to stop me, my lead foot or my law-bending ways.  I had to laugh at myself when I noticed that I was speeding down Colonel By Drive this morning, on the way to pay my speeding ticket.  Hmmm.  Maybe Dan and I should move to Germany

April 13, 2006 - 11:29 am

dan - I’ve never seen a dog have white knuckles before. Humph was afraid for his life as we cannonballed down Prince of Wales at mach speed. Road signs were starting to blur as we approached the speed of light, where questions of relativity and velocity of nearby planets become significant. Thank goodness the nice officer stopped Shannen’s Reign of Terror before someone got hurt!

April 13, 2006 - 12:13 pm

Kel - Smurphy, NO! Don’t speed! Especially so much! Really, it would take only one accident, and your life could change. And I mean in a bad way. If you’re not worried about your safety, consider that, in a res zone, you could kill someone. Wait ’till you have kids and you’ll see how much you love those speed limits.

Your Mother
(Okay, no, just Kel. But still.)

April 13, 2006 - 12:52 pm

Sonja - Keep up the ace driving Shan! Your making me proud.


Sonja (note the German spelling) Harrington

April 19, 2006 - 7:52 am

Kel - D’oh! Not you too, Sonja!

The mother in me has grey hairs . . . .

OAFE Award – Kris Peterson, Blogger extraordinaire*!

Kris (sy, tin) Peterson and Kurt (is) Hewitt

I know it is almost too soon for another OAFE, but I felt that this had to be said. Kris Peterson (a.k.a. Krissy, for the Victoria readers) is, hands down, the best blogger I know. I don’t like to admit it out loud, but she puts us all to shame.

Reasons why Kris Peterson puts the ‘ogg’ in Blogger:

  • She updates her own blog everyday, if not twice per day.
  • She comments on almost every post
  • She then comments on the comments, keeping it highly interactive.
  • She checks other people’s blogs and keeps me posted on whether they’ve been updated yet or not.
  • She is a compelling and undeniably persuasive writer (especially in her product plugs…I may have to try that Grape wine this weekend)
  • She gets after others for not updating their own blogs with friendly little jabs (or not so friendly for the seriously delinquent bloggers**)
  • She posts poems for her friends on their birthdays (mine is January 6th, just in case she needs it for next year)
  • She always includes photos in her posts
  • I could go on….

As you might suspect, I was hopeful that the authors at might be in contention for this prestigious award, but we failed to meet one necessary critiria: There are 2+1 of us! It’s easy to update almost daily when you have multiple authors at the keyboard. Kris manages to keep Say Cheese current and informative all on her own. It’s like she’s superhuman.

So, a big thank you goes out to Ms. Peterson. You manage to keep me constantly entertained and up to date on all things Kris and beyond. I look forward to a long and healthy relationship as bloggers in arms. You’ve raised the bar. I only hope that we, at, can keep up.

*No money was exchanged in the creation of this post. The opinions expressed are those of the author only and do not represent a bribe or the returning of any long overdue favours.

**The names of the seriously delinquent bloggers have been changed to protect their identity and their reputation. They may or may not be depicted in the above photo.

April 7, 2006 - 9:04 am

Kris - YES! I was secretly hoping that I could someday get my hands on the much-coveted OAFE award! Being likened to Farm Boy is quite a compliment. As pointed out, Farm Boy is fabulous.

I’d like to thank you for your very kind words. I enjoy blogging…I really do. It’s either a wonderful creative outlet for me, or a sign of a serious lack of stimulation in my working environment. Either way, it’s a great way to keep in touch with everyone.

I’d like to thank Blogger for hosting our creative outlets, as well as the authors of, “It’s a Celebration, Bitches!”, and various other amusing sites I link to each day for inspiring me daily.

I love you all.