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Day 364 – The Eve

My boy turns 1 year old tomorrow.  It’s crazy to think just how fast this year has passed, but here we are.

One year ago today, on the eve of his arrival, I was feeling so excited but SO anxious.  When you know what day your baby will be born, you have a whole different set of nerves to battle.  The situation was very different than 3 and a half years earlier when we were anticipating Jaia’s arrival.  This time around it was calm, and far less scary, but still nerve-wracking.

BUT – I knew that within hours I would be meeting my little man and could barely contain myself.  Bag was packed, plans were made, talks were had with a little lady who was just about to be a big sister.  We were ready.  The wait was over.

And, oh, was he worth the wait.  He makes my heart swell.

**You may have noticed that I lost count.  My days were off. Not by much, but off nonetheless.  I put up a good effort, but failed to get a shot up every single day.  Had I kept up my end of the bargain, I wouldn’t have messed up.  It would have been easy to keep track.  But that said, I’m thrilled that I gave my boy a neat way to look back on his first year, and for that, I am happy.  He won’t care to see that there were days missing here and there.  We’ve got ourselves a great little story for him to look back on one day.  He will never doubt how much we love him.

Remember this?

May 11, 2011 - 1:18 pm

Auntie Jenny - Happy 1st Birthday Wesley!!!

May 11, 2011 - 3:08 pm

Alicia - Wow. Where does the time go?? Happy Birthday Wesley!

May 12, 2011 - 10:47 am

Carolle & Gerry - Happy Birthday Wesley!!! hugs and kisses

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