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Things I am loving today

1.  Google Reader

Have you?  Do you?  I do now.

I’m a blog reader.  I read so many that it was taking up loads of my time, time I don’t have.  But I love it.  Keeping tabs on mostly complete strangers (imagine if more of my friends had blogs?) lets me feel as though I have a little bit of a social life.

I had heard about Google Reader, but never bothered to play around with it.  But it is seriously genius.  It keeps tabs on the blogs/webpages you subscribe to and gathers all those with a new post together so that you can go to one place and catch up without having to go to each page individually.

And just to sweeten the deal a little further, you can install a ‘Next’ button so that at the click of the mouse, you are taken directly to the next chronological blog post in your reader queue.

See, genius.  Now go get your internet read on.

2.  eeBoo Fairytale Mix Ups

My girl LOVES stories.  But more than just stories, she loves made up stories,and the best ones have her as the star.  Ever since she was wee, we’ve been telling her ‘Princess Jaia’ stories before bed.  Every. Single. Night.  And let me tell you, some nights I’m just not feeling creative enough to make up a story, but she persists and I give in.  Sometimes my stories are awesome.  Sometimes lame.  Depends on the day.

So when I found this card game, I knew she’d love it.  And she does.  You can either use the cards to steer your story, or play it as a game with 2 or more players and have everybody take part in the storytelling.

We played with my parents and we were literally in stitches.

The game forces you to be creative, and it lets your little one use their imagination over and over again.  With a quick shuffle, you have a brand new game.  Ta da!!


3.  President’s Choice Organics Clementines

Yum.  Every single shopping trip over the past couple of months has me coming home with a bag of these juicy little lovelies.  There are just the right amount of sweet and I have yet to get a dud.  I’m hooked.  And so is my little chowhound who will literally stops what he’s doing and will come tearing in my direction if he sees me with one.  Delish.

4.  The Voice

There was so much hype for this show in the weeks before it’s premiere.  It was almost nauseating.  And I was not interested in watching another show.  Nor was I interested in a reality show, especially a singing competition.  But their advertising worked.  I just had to see what it was all about and I really liked it.  And maybe I don’t want to admit this publicly, but I have a mini-crush on Cee Lo Green, so that may be part of the attraction.  But I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty excited to see how it plays out.

5.  Watching my boy walk

I seriously find my breath being taken away as I watch my littlest up on his two feet motoring around.  We wait with bated breathe for these milestones to be met, but when they do, we’re quickly reminded of how fast time flies.  My boy is on a steady course from baby to toddler and it breaks my heart a little.  But it also gives me an excuse to do air fist pumps.  I’m so proud of the little dude.

And seriously, have you ever seen anything cuter?


What are you loving today?


May 11, 2011 - 11:00 am

Julie - I am loving that it is going to be 20 degrees and sunny in Kitchener today and that I’ll spend the afternoon outside with my babes blowing bubbles, riding bikes and playing tag. I also love that the weather forecast is the same for tomorrow! Great pics Shan!

May 14, 2011 - 5:21 pm

Alicia - Hey…Is that over at RDB? Tehya thinks the scenery looks VERY familiar.

PS – love Wes’s outfit!

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