Masthead header

To or not to…

Our little dude has the best hair.  Fine and beyond blonde with just a hint of curl.  It’s seriously gorgeous.

But it’s getting long.  Not too long,  But long in the wrong places.  I keep thinking it might be time to cut it, but I can’t bring myself to do it yet.  Like Sampson who lost his strength when he cut his hair, I feel like Wes might lose all his ‘baby’.

And I’m not quite ready to part with Baby Wes yet.  Can you blame me?


October 18, 2011 - 8:27 am

Aunt Ellen - He is adorable! Looking forward to meeting him at Christmas.

October 21, 2011 - 11:22 am

Auntie Lizzie - Don’t do it!!! I love his surfer dude hair!!!

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