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What’s your plan?

I *think* I’ve said it here before – only because I say it a lot and can’t imagine that this blog has been exempt – but the days are long, and the years are short. You blink and suddenly it’s over.  But it’s really not just the years that are short, but the months and even the weeks.  I’ll often look back on a Friday and wonder where all the days have gone.

Summers are no exception.  In fact, it’s almost worse in the summer.  Last year, Dan took an entire month off and I barely remember it.  As summer approaches, we all have oodles of things that we want to do, see, play and accomplish.  We talk about it for months ahead of time and often dream of the hazy, lazy days of summer when we’ll have time to do all the things that we really want to do.

And then suddenly it’s August 27 and we’ll look back at our list, flustered and wonder how we’ll fit everything that we still haven’t gotten around to in the last weekend before school starts.

So when I saw this featured on one of my favourite blogs, Ohdeedoh, it inspired me.

Why not write it all down?  Meg and her family have done it the last few years and I think it is brilliant.   I especially love the check boxes beside each one.  Such a cool idea.

So that’s our plan this weekend.  Dan, Jaia, Wes and I will sit down and compile our own summer bucket list.  Wes might not offer too many suggestions, but we’ll ask anyway.  Some things that will definitely be included:

  • go to the zoo
  • camp out
  • roast marshmallows
  • go out looking for fireflies at dusk
  • dance in the rain
  • take a road trip
  • visit a butterfly garden
  • pick strawberries and make jam

Do you have any cool things on your summer list?  Share them, you might inspire someone else along the way!

June 9, 2011 - 11:48 pm

Dominik - what about “taking a trip to Ottawa”?

June 16, 2011 - 6:52 pm

Claudia - If you want to see fireflies there are THOUSANDS in my yard every night! Because we have the field/woods behind us they all come out at night 🙂

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