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Out of the Dark Ages…finally.

This must be how cavemen felt when they created fire for the first time….we got A/C on Thursday!

Ok wait, let’s rewind. We always had air conditioning – or so we thought…I guess all we really had was an A/C unit attached to the back of the house. See, we moved into our house on Novemeber 1, and obviously, had no need to turn it on for months. And then, when that first really hot day arrived, we cranked it, happy to have A/C, and….nada. We could hear air blowing, but it was warm and icky.

So we suffered through the heat that summer. On the blazing days we’d sleep in the basement, but we never really minded all that much. We got really good at lowering blinds during the day to keep the sun out and using fans to circulate the air. But more than likely, it just wasn’t one of the hotter Ottawa summers.

Then came summer 2005. It was horrible. If you had A/C, you might not have realized the extent of the heat. We kept kidding ourselves that there was no way that kind of heat could continue. Why bother scheduling a repair, it just CAN’T stay this hot. It did. It was gross and unbearable. I hated having guests stay over because you knew how awful they were going to feel after a long, gross, hot, sleepless night.

Anyway, so being the ethical people we are, we couldn’t sell the house without A/C like we had done to us. Mr. Repairman arrived on Thursday with lots of work and a big price tag ahead of him. Afer a few hours of tinkering – we had A/C! And just in time for a chilly night where we didn’t need to turn it on. 😐

So now we move on to the new house. Again, no A/C and a big decision ahead about when and if we should get it installed this year. I’d like to have it just in case…but I really don’t like using it. Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment, or maybe those energy conservation ads had really affected me. But I guess, in the end, having the choice of whether or not to turn it on beats needing it and not having it. Go Team A/C!

UPDATE: They lied. We still don’t have A/C. We turned it on this weekend while packing the upstairs (by far hottest place in our house) and even after a couple of hours, it never cooled off. Jerks. 😐

June 20, 2006 - 12:30 pm

dan - The A/C oddysey has been ridiculous for a myriad of reasons (two greek myth words in one sentence … my best so far today.  Can you beat me while staying in context?), but two stand out:
– Friday June 23 will be their 4th visit to fix this stinking thing,
– If fixed Friday, we will be down to 3 days potential enjoyment. That works out to over $250 a day. Assuming those three days are HOT.

Maybe we should move further north where we wouldn’t need A/C …

June 21, 2006 - 7:49 am

Shannen - Not on your life.

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