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Earlier today, I realized I hadn’t filled in some key info in Jaia’s baby book – exactly what I said I’d never do.  I, like many of my friends, have a baby book that is only partially filled out.  Most of the key info is there, but a lot of pages are blank, especially near the end of the book.

I swore that when I had a baby, I would fill out every page and make sure no detail was left out.  And then I had a baby and realized that time to sit and compose in a book is not always available.  Make that beyond rare.  And I finally understand why my baby book was only half full.  Moms do what they can…

But then tonight, I made time to work on keeping my promise to fill-out Jaia’s book.  I figured I was glued to the couch watching ‘Must See TV’ (do they still call it that?), so I might as well multi-task.  I opened up Jaia’s Big Book of Me, looked at some of the missing information and immediately felt bad for not remembering some of the key dates.  How could I have not written when Jaia first rolled over or when she ate solids for the first time.  Bad mama, bad mama.

But then, as I posted the photo for day 291, I realized that though I haven’t been writing down the mini-milestones with a pen, I’d been typing them up on an almost daily basis (ok, some weeks were better for the POTD than others).  So when I needed to find the specific date that Jaia did something spectucular (I’m her mama, it’s all spectacular), I could just use the search function at the top of the page and there they were.  March 21 (rolling over) and June 1 (solids), in case you were wondering.

Every once in awhile I question why I started trying to post a photo every day.  Some days it’s near impossible to find the time and then I feel guilty when I don’t do it.  But then, on a day like today, I realize that it was all worth it.  So worth it.  Without realizing I was doing it, I’ve documented almost every day of the first nine and a half months of Jaia’s life…all thanks to  Like I needed another reason to continue.


October 19, 2007 - 7:05 am

Carole - While I was reading your post, I instantly remembered that she rolled over on March 21. :O) I think you can imagine why that date sticks out in my mind.

Have no doubt about the fact that you are a great mom Shannen. See you soon!

October 19, 2007 - 1:52 pm

EAP - Jaia will be SO pissed off when she’s a teenager and every detail of her infant life is out there in cyberspace for her callow friends/rivals to use against her.

October 21, 2007 - 3:21 pm

Julie - Your readers appreciate every photo and comment. I wish I was doing the same for my Munchkins. I have baby books though!

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