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2010 is likely to be a busy one for us.  At least the second half of it, anyway.  But I still wanted to make some resolutions – ones I hope will stick.

1.  Clean up the mess in our house.  For the most part, things are back to normal – but when you displace your entire kitchen into other parts of the house, chaos is bound to ensue.  And things never really seem to fit the way they did before you took them out, do they?  And on top of this is to try to find new homes for all the Christmas and birthday gifts we’ve received over the past few weeks.

2.  Take more pictures.  And organize them better.  And post more of them.  I’ve really been slacking off.  I took a phenomenal photography class in the fall and while learning some new skills, I suddenly (and hopefully temporarily) lost my inspiration to pick up the camera.  I think a lot of it had to do with how busy I was and all the other things going on including the kitchen reno (See #1).  But the new year may have brought it back.  I hope.  The awesome new lighting equipment that my husband spoiled me with today might have something to do with it.

3.  Get fit (surprise, surprise).

And the simple things:

  • Keep the car clean
  • Purge the junk from the garage so we can actually park in there
  • Spend less time in front of the computer and more time outside
  • Reconnect with friends I don’t see often enough – no matter how close or far a way they live
  • Plan a vacation and go!

All are easy to accomplish and hopefully when I revisit this list over the next few months I can start scratching them off one by one!

What are your resolutions?

January 13, 2010 - 2:05 pm

Dominik - run to work every day – works good so far …

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