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I've created a monster

In around March, Jaia started singing the ABC song.  Sometimes she’d miss a few letters, but she nailed it more often than not.

In around May, Daddy started singing the ABC song wrong, to see if Jaia would notice.

In around July, Jaia stopped singing the ABC song and will now only sing Daddy’s version.

“a b c d … x p q … ”

Followed by maniacal laughter.

What have I done?

July 7, 2009 - 5:23 pm

Auntie Jenny - Not good, Dan, not good!

Love the new look fullertons!

July 7, 2009 - 6:14 pm

Kris - I love love love Forgetful’s new look!

July 8, 2009 - 8:20 am

Dan - Thanks folks!

Still working out some kinks, but wordpress is getting easier and easier to work with. It’s like a cool breeze through my bank account (Kids in the Hall quote).

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