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Silver Lining.

Last week sucked.  Who knew you could so much crappy stuff could happen all at once.  I’m glad we are into a new week and THANKFULLY for my head and heart, the exact opposite is happening for me this time.

I, just yesterday, made a major decision/received some truly amazing news, got a fantastic haircut, and, in just 2 more sleeps, leave for a week in Paris!  Ooh la la!

I am not a very well-travelled gal.  I’d venture to say that I didn’t ‘actually’ travel until I met Dan in 2002.  I had been on an airplane a few times to Washington, where my parents were living and once out to Nova Scotia for a weekend, but I had never actually been anywhere else. 

Then Dan – who has travelled all over the world – and I started taking an annual trip.  My first time flying over an ocean was when we went to the Dominican Republic in the spring of 2003.  I was 28 years old.  We’ve since been to Peru, Jamaica, back to the Dominican Republic and, of course, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia. 

So yes, I’ve seen a tiny bit of the world, more than some, but there is so much more to discover.  And this weekend I will be making the biggest trip of my young life.  And I haven’t even started packing yet.

Mostly it is because I have no idea what to pack on a trip like this.  Other than comfortable shoes – that’s the one thing people keep telling me (over and over and over).  But more importantly for me is my camera.  And my lenses.  That is literally the one thing that is charged, packed and ready by the door.  If I forget everything else, as long as I have my camera and loads of memory cards (and comfortable shoes, apparently), I’ll be ok.

Any seasoned travellers/frequent Paris visitors that wanna offer up any advice to the rookie?

April 22, 2009 - 11:12 am

Heather - Shan, I’m so excited for you!!!
I have been to Paris a few times (not including my trip in just over a month…so excited).
Comfortable shoes are KEY. You probably will not walk this much in your life. But don’t be afraid of the metro either, it’s a feet saver.
I’d also take some sandals, comfy ones..because you’re probably going to want to take some cute spring dresses and you don’t want to wear sneakers (I recently purchased and wore in some birkenstocks, sooo comfy and pretty cute, as they kind of look like flip flops…god I’m such a hippy). I’m also taking some flats for fancier dinners…but I bet I will only wear them once.
Take a couple pairs of jeans, some nicer outfits, but you won’t need anything TOO fancy (unless you’re staying at the Crillion). Dress in layers. Take a rain/wind breaker just in case (because if you don’t, you’re just ASKING for it). A sweater. A hoodie. Tank tops. I’d take a scarf or a sarong or something as well, because it’s not appropriate to go into some of the catholic churches with bare shoulders, and sometimes they require you to cover your head (easy to throw a scarf in your bag, it’s light and can come in handy). I bought 4 beautiful pashmina scarfs for like 2 Euro each, keep an eye out!

Remember your convertable plug adaptors for hair stuff (if you need that kind of thing) or charging your iPod!

I think it’s important to look somewhat presentable in Paris, as they tend to dress a little more formally…and you never know when you might decide to pop into Louis Vutton on the Champs Elysees…..:)

And just from some personal Parisian experiences – Set yourself apart from the standard North American visitor by not yelling your questions in English. Attempt to speak in French (my francais is tres terrible…but I think the effort is always appreciated…and they usually interrupt me in English…just so I will stop butchering the language). It will go SO far. Smile. A lot. They like that and I was told last time that it was obvious we were Canadian because we smiled…and then they bought us dinner.

I’m excited for you and I can’t wait to see the pictures…the amazing amazing pictures.

April 22, 2009 - 3:15 pm

EAP - Forget the comfy shoes – YOU’RE GOING TO PARIS FER CRISSAKES! Do you want to look like a tourist? Wear comfy shoes. Do you want to blend in? Wear sexy high heels. Parisiennes certainly manage it. Take the Metro, or better yet taxis, to save your feet. There’s really nothing worse than being spotted as a tourist, especially a North American tourist – the biggest dopes of them all. And get used to rude, aggressive behaviour from the locals. Parisians are masters at it. You just have to give it back to them 10-fold and they’ll respect you enough to back off. I lived in France for a year – trust me.

Finally, don’t judge all of France by the people of Paris. Paris is to France as Toronto is to Canada. They think their shit comes in hermetically sealed bags and the rest of the populace despises them.


April 23, 2009 - 11:44 am

Marsha - Don’t forget – you are coming to Sri Lanka in Jan 2010

April 23, 2009 - 11:56 am

Shannen - Marsha – Are you telling me the wedding has been scheduled???

April 23, 2009 - 11:57 am

Shannen - And Heather – Best.Comment Ever. Now if you’d only come over and actually DO the packing for me…

April 29, 2009 - 7:11 am

rachel Edwards - Ah! I miss your blog for a week and I miss this! I had LOADS to tell you – but it is too late and you are undoubtedly having a great time without me! Bon voyage!

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