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Apparently lawn mowers don't like winter.

My $45 Lawn Boy 2-stroke lawn mower spent the winter outside in the backyard, as snow came early last fall. I don’t think it liked its winter in the wilds.

After closing the deal to sell our house at the end of May (yes it’s sold. We had posted a celebratory blog entry on forgetful, but it was mysteriously eaten by internet gremlins), the lawn was one of many aspects of the house that we reveled in let get a bit dirty. 3 weeks of living in a show home was enough!

However, things are getting out of hand:

So, with the Lawn Boy dead (it’s likely the spark plug, which I could fix, but …), my only option is to whipper snip the entire yard. That will bring it back down to a length where the manual reel mower is capable of maintaining it.

And the new house has so little grass that the manual is all we’ll need.

Which means the Lawn Boy might become a housewarming gift for the new owners of this place 🙂

June 15, 2008 - 6:53 pm

Chris - That Lawn-Boy is a pretty sweet parting gift. I especially like the bonus rust spots. 🙂

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