Masthead header

Unwelcome visitor.

This morning, as I was in the shower and sudsing the shampoo into my hair, I noticed a spider sitting beside my loofah.  He wasn’t in motion, and almost seemed frozen as if he was afraid to move because I might notice him.  But it was too late.  I had, and my shower was ruined.

I could no longer be free to calmly sing and relax under the stream of hot water…I could only stare over my shoulder at the tiny eight-legged jerk that had invaded my space.  And then, worst of all, he started to move.  CLOSER to me.  I freaked out.  One option:  get out alive.

I truly, truly dislike spiders, but I don’t kill them.  it’s not in my nature.  You may remember Ned and his release.  And I let this one go as well.  Except this time I didn’t gently take him outside, I just ignored him and hoped he would take himself outside – where he belongs.  And clinging to this hope is the only way I will be able to hop in the shower tomorrow morning.  That and the hope that Dan also saw him and squished him to death.

What?  I said I don’t kill them….What other people do is their own beeswax.


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