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Baby Steps.

Being born in the middle of winter, in Canada, has its challenges. One of them involves turning one, learning to walk, and not being able to practice the new skill in the great outdoors. Luckily we went to Virginia a few weeks ago and Jaia got a wee taste of vitamin D, but it wasn’t enough and Jaia’s been itching to get outside ever since. Unfortunately for us, the snow and cold weather continued…that is, until yesterday.

Wearing her new spring coat and funky runners, Jaia, her dad, Humphrey and I took our first *real* walk together.  The cats were so jealous.

April 2, 2008 - 9:51 pm

Dan - She loves walking! She even walks in the direction we want her to over half the time, which means we made it home safely 🙂

We also recorded her first fall into a puddle, bum first. Her jeans, they were muddy.

April 3, 2008 - 2:15 pm

Claudia - I can’t believe she held your hand and cooperated!!! Eva just makes a run for it.

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