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Lost: One (beloved) brown tuque

It is not unheard of for things to go missing around the Fullerton household.  I mostly blame Roxy (who is usually the culprit), but often it’s my extreme forgetfulness that is responsible. 

My most recent loss is my brown tuque.  The last time I remember wearing it was on a lunch date with the Lasagna sisters, Mark the Contributor and Forgetful Dan…but that doesn’t mean I haven’t worn it since.  It just means that I can’t remember wearing it since.

Anyway, if you’ve seen a tuque like this (see below) lying around your house or car or anywhere…let me know.  It’s getting cold out there and my ears would love their shelter back.



In other news, I did find a pair of leather gloves in the back seat of the car…Anyone missing those??  Wanna trade for my hat?

November 22, 2006 - 10:50 am

Jessie - Ooh – are they really thin black leather gloves?? Very old, no lining per say?? If they are, they are mine!!!! Maybe I left them in the car along with the crumbs, champagne & OJ and perhaps latte that I spilled everywhere??

J. Lasagna, Esq.

November 22, 2006 - 2:49 pm

Sonja - I need new gloves does that count? Lsgna

November 23, 2006 - 3:31 pm

julius (& roxy) - We have your ridiculous head covering garment. I hate wearing hats, so can’t understand why you would want to.

Meet us tonight at midnight behind the brown chair in the living room. Bring 3 delicious, unmarked mice and a fish carcass in a cat-sized briefcase.

Come alone, and tell no one. We have claws, and know where you keep your favourite shirt …

November 23, 2006 - 3:31 pm

julius (& roxy) - We have your ridiculous head covering garment. I hate wearing hats, so can’t understand why you would want to.

Meet us tonight at midnight behind the brown chair in the living room. Bring 3 delicious, unmarked mice and a fish carcass in a cat-sized briefcase.

Come alone, and tell no one. We have claws, and know where you keep your favourite shirt …

November 24, 2006 - 8:44 am

Kristin - You have some fairly sneaky cats. I would suggest looking into the six-toed variety. They are lovers, not fighters. And they never steal anything for ransom.

Except your heart.

LOST: TWO (BELOVED) BLOGGERS a.k.a. SHANNEN & DAN (and occasionally Mark). Hello…entertain me with an update please…)

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