Let’s talk running…again. This time though, I wanted to mention some of the items that have helped me along the way. And by help, I actually mean products that have made my training even possible. If the conditions are not perfect, it will annoy me and my run will suffer. That means my earphones can’t fall out, socks can’t bunch, hair can’t bounce, shirt can’t flap, shorts can’t give me a wedgie. And if they do, I can’t run.
Here are some of tricks I use to make run far less annoying.1. Yurbuds – Speaking of earphones, these babies are MAGIC. They fit snuggly in your ear and do not fall out or shift or move whatsoever. They go for about $29 but are worth every penny. Dan bought them for my birthday last year and I loved them so much that I bought him some for his birthday a few months later. And then I stole them back from him because I lost mine.
2. Sports bra – You’d think this one was obvious, but poor planning can lead to a less than supportive bra and some very unhappy girls.
3. Good shoes – I cannot stress this enough. Do not buy whichever shoes that are on sale and cross your fingers that they’ll be right for you. I learned the lesson the hard way and have had some severe knee pain as a result. If there is ANYTHING to spend a bit of money on, it’s your shoes. Go to one of those specialty shops like Running Room or Fleet Feet and have them watch you run and then suggest some shoes. I have purchased my last 8-10 pairs this way and they have yet to make a mistake. Good shoes are key.
4. Kinesiology Tape – What was unheard of a few years ago, now is all the rage in preventing injury. I was a non-believer myself, but after trying it, it makes running with patellofemoral syndrome possible. Even last night, as I finished up my first 16 km run, my knee wasn’t screaming at me. In fact, it actually felt…ok. Placebo effect or not, I don’t run without taping my knee now and I’m actually coin it pain-free.
5. Run: Speed Shorts by LuluLemon – I saved the best for last. I cannot say enough good things about these shorts. I have a tendency to run with my legs fairly close together. So much so that wearing regular shorts while running any decent distance would be painful because the seams on the inner thighs would rub together and chafe my skin. LuluLemon shorts offer a simple but completely brilliant solution. They make their shorts with “chafe-resistant flat seams designed to save sweaty, sensitive skin from irritation” and they aren’t kidding. These shorts have been thigh savers from day one.
Stay tuned for part 2 of my list. Until then, what running products can you not live without??