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Great Expectations

I read that this morning at 8am, Ottawa clocked its 78th hour in a row with temperatures below -38 degrees Celsius.  A new record.  For 77 hours and 52 minutes of those hours, we were stuck inside…hiding away.  I’m kind of a wimp.

Today, as the mercury started to rise (at last glance at dinner time it was close to -16 which is a HUGE improvement) I had BIG plans.  This morning (super husband) Dan took the kids out for groceries and then to a movie.  I wanted to get caught up on cleaning and then head to the gym.  Perhaps organize a closet or two.  Definitely do the laundry.

Instead, I came down with a stomach bug and didn’t leave the house yet again.  3-4 days of breathing recycled air.  No vitamin D.  No human contact outside my family (though I do admit, they are my favourites).  I have an extreme case of cabin fever.

The temperature is supposed to rise overnight with a high of -1 (!!!) expected tomorrow.  The timing couldn’t be better.  We will be celebrating my birthday a day early.  With plans to go snowshoeing and spend a good chunk of the day outdoors drenching ourselves in fresh air and sunshine, I’m hoping that my belly takes a turn for the better as I turn in early on a day that had me horizontal for most of my waking hours.

How do you plan to spend your last days of holidays?  My advice?  Eat cake.  I will be.


January 6, 2014 - 2:17 pm

Mrs D - Hope you are feeling better and that your tummy allowed you to celebrate your birthday with an early morning cupcake!!

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