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We just got back from a week in this magnificent place.  We were visiting Dan’s side of the family.  It was my 4th time in the Rockies (Jaia’s 3rd and Wes’ 2nd) and I was in awe, just like the last 3 times I was there, snapping a ridiculous number of pictures – from the moving car.  And then, of course, 3 times that once we arrived.

This place is magical.

And for the skiers and snowboarders, the fresh dump of 30 cm of snow the week we were there didn’t hurt either…

And guess who took full advantage?

More to come…

January 18, 2013 - 10:42 am

Dan - A week later and my back is still sore from snowboarding through 50cm of powder! We only get out there every 2 years, so great to see everyone and spend some time in the rockies. Minus some gastrointestinal difficulties for the girls, everyone had wall to wall fun!

January 27, 2013 - 9:44 pm

Cathy - Thanks for sharing pics of your adventures in BC. Looks like you all had a great time. I also love your snowshoe pics too!

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