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At the cottage…

A couple of weeks ago we headed to the cottage with two other families.  We had never done that before – an extended getaway with other kids and other parents in a small space.  I was sure we’d have a good time, positive, in fact, but this little getaway was truly unforgettable.  I was surrounded by people I’ve known since I was a teenager and our kids, spread out between the ages of almost 11 and 2, got along like PB and J.  There wasn’t one fight, one squabble or any tears from all 6 kiddos in 3 nights and 4 days.

Also, water trampolines are awesome, for kids of all ages, right Marty and Chris?

The craziest part, for me, was my absolute fearlessness.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a fairly extreme fear of swimming in lakes or any open water.  It’s not something specific I was afraid of, but I was certainly afraid.  I missed out on outing after outing, spontaneous or not, all because I didn’t like being in the water.

Early on at this cottage, I threw caution to the wind.  Part of it was not wanting to let my kids see me being afraid of something I couldn’t explain now that they are old enough to notice whether or not I take part, but also, watching everyone in the water, seemingly careless, made me want to be part of it.  Part of the memory.  Part of the fun.

So I went in.  And after a few minutes of inner panic, it just kind of melted away.  And after 3 hours on and off the water trampoline on the Saturday, the thing I was most afraid of was losing my suit during the canonball competition.  Is this seriously what I’ve been missing all along.  What a waste.

Our time at the cottage reinvigorated me.  Coffee on the dock in the morning and late nights around the fire with friends was just what I needed to get me out of my slump.  I’m so thankful we all bit the bullet and made our way out to the lake.

In pictures:

The cottage.  A place for long talks, hard laughs, stiff drinks, hot fires, yummy eats, late nights, early mornings and, most importantly, good times with great friends.  I’m already ready for next year.  You?

August 15, 2012 - 7:46 am

Carole - Great photos, Shan! Definitely an amazing and unforgettable weekend! Thanks for saving our summer. 🙂

August 15, 2012 - 12:24 pm

Martin Deschambault - Love the pics, Shan! Wish we were are still there. What a great weekend of absolute fun and relaxation. Cheers!

August 16, 2012 - 3:45 pm

Alicia - Awesome photos from an awesome weekend.

Good times.

August 19, 2012 - 11:20 am

Auntie Lizzie - Looks like an awesome and well deserved vacation!

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