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So far, so so so good.

Our lazy, hazy days of summer have been full and busy.  We’ve knocked off almost everything on our list and the calendar hasn’t flipped over into August yet.

That leaves room for us to kick abck, chill out and really, really enjoy what summer has to offer before we start thinking about back to school yet again.

What so you have left to knock off your list?

July 31, 2012 - 7:55 am

Dan - I think we have more crossed off than you’re taking credit for! Jaia has left her training wheels behind, we hosted a pool party, we’ve spent lots of time with family that have visited, kids have had several play dates, and I recall at least one (1) kitchen dance party to the xylophone song. Please update the infographic to make me feel better about it being the end of July 🙁

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