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His Lovey…

Wes has a lovey.  A prized blanket that he cannot sleep without.

We’ve made sure that ‘Blanket’s’ time out of the house has been minimal for fear that it might get forgotten somewhere (have you met us?  We forget everything).

The other morning I woke to Wes calling out “Blanket, where are you?”.  Freaking adorable.

Someone once told me not to just capture the faces, but the details that we will want to remember forever.  By following the boy around just after his nap one afternoon, I believe I have done exactly that.

(Now that I’m writing about it, I wish Blanket had a cooler name, like Clive or Bud.  But no, it’s just Blanket.)

January 18, 2012 - 7:48 am

Dan - Amazing pics to document who he is at this exact point in time. Love it.

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