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I miss blogging.

I realize that I post something new everyday (or nearly everyday), but I rarely find enough free minutes in a row to actually write something and post it.  I miss it.  A lot.  More than I thought I would.  I need to make more of an effort.  And I will.  Maybe.

At my 6-week post delivery check up, the doctor finally gave me the ok to get back to the gym.  I couldn’t be happier.  I also can’t lie, I’ve been sneaking in work-outs on our elliptical for awhile now.  I couldn’t resist.  Drs. Troy and MacNamara have been calling.  I made a deal with myself that I wouldn’t take the Season 3 of Nip/Tuck out of the DVD player in the basement until it was finished (meaning I couldn’t bring them upstairs and watch them from the comfort of my cozy couch).  So it gave me real incentive to get moving.

uploads_images_photos_images_fullsize_gym.jpgBut the exciting news is that I hit the gym on Thursday.  The real gym.  I hadn’t been since before Christmas and I missed it.  And even more exciting than that is that I ran!  On the treadmill!  It’s been ages since I was able to without feeling as though a hippopotamus was angrily stomping on my insides, but Thursday I ran an impressive 1.5 miles.  Not bad for a first time back at it, eh? 

Unfortunately, afterwards I felt as though the hippopotamus had returned and taken revenge out by stomping on the rest of my body.  But thankfully, it only makes me want more.  Oh, and it helps that I am going with Sonja Lasagna and the other bridesmaids to get measured for our dresses (for the Woodingtons’ wedding) today.  Yes, measured.  Just 8 weeks after giving birth and someone is going to tell me exactly what size I am now.  Barf. 

I wonder if they serve alcohol there?  That would lessen the blow.  And the appointment is after noon, so it’s perfectly acceptable, isn’t it?


February 24, 2007 - 10:53 am

Kris - Shan, you looked amazing just a few weeks after giving birth…it’ll be fine! Good for you for getting back to the gym. It doesn’t make me feel guilty for ignoring my in-house treadmill at ALL.


February 24, 2007 - 11:56 am

Jen - Like I said while I was staying with you, I amazed that you & Dan are still energetic enough to squeeze in workouts. You two should be proud of yourselves! I haven’t stepped foot in a gym (or accomplished really any other form of exercise since……October). What’s my excuse?? I don’t have one!

But reading this bit made me miss the gym and that feeling you get “post-workout”… thanks for the motivation!

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