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Role Reversal

Like Michael Keaton in the quintissential 80’s movie, I stayed home with the kids yesterday while Shannen headed into work. It wasn’t the first time we’ve done it, but each time we do I gain more of an appreciation for her contribution to Fullerton Corporation. The day started before 6am when Wes broke his streak of sleep-ins, and ended with Shannen’s triumphant return from the rat race at around 7pm, having conquered all sorts of project deliverables, tasks and to-dos.


  • Estimate how long a task will take. Then multiply it by 2. Then add time for impromptu potty break, spill cleanup, or comfort time for newly acquired bumps or bruises. *Everything* takes longer than you think it will.
  • The TV is such a tempting entertainer. I appreciate that Shannen uses it very sparingly. Time is spent doing other things.
  • Child minding at the gym is money well spent.  Kids have fun, parent gets a work out in, and even an undisturbed shower!
  • It’s really hard to keep up with housework during the day.  I had big plans of having the house spotless when Shannen got home, but fell far short.
  • Some days I get the “when are you coming home?” text.  Sometimes it’s to plan a dinner time, sometimes it’s because both kids are having a rough day.  I sent those same texts yesterday.  Thankfully, it was more planning motivated than because it was a rough day.  It really wasn’t …
  • … it was a great day!  Full of laughs, fun, and moments to remember (like this one – wes falling asleep at lunch, just like his big sister did.)
  • Even if we had internet yesterday, which we didn’t (fie Rogers, fie), I wouldn’t have gotten any work done.  There is simply no time.  Especially when boy #1 naps for 45 minutes total the entire day 😐

So, Shannen, heading into father’s day weekend, I wanted to turn back the clock a few weeks to add to my Mother’s Day sentiments and express public appreciation for all you do.  It’s a hard job, but I can definitely see the benefits.



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