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Day 356 – Weekend re-do.

I have been complaining for MONTHS about the weather.  Winter was long and crappy and I’m ready for sunshine and warm days.

And then last weekend happened.  The sky was free of clouds, the trees were lightly shimmying in the breeze and the sun shone brightly.

And I watched it all from my bed.  And then the couch.  And my bed for a bit.  And then the couch again.  For two whole days.

Yep, the first full, beautiful, warm weekend found us, and I found myself sick as a dog.  Bitten by a flu bug.  A big, ugly flu bug.  An angry flu bug.  And it left me with not enough energy or the will to move.

Things I missed: my first photoshoot of the year (thankfully already rescheduled!), time with the kids soaking up the sun, time with my parents who are in town for a visit, a family dinner with my sister (parents had to go without me)…but more generally and more importantly, I literally missed the whole weekend.  Like it never actually happened.  Except the touch of sun on the kids noses it gave away.  My freckles, sadly, will have to wait little longer before making their grand appearance.

So, I’m interested in a re-do.  Very interested.  I’m hanging on to hope that this coming weekend with bring with it as much sunshine as last, but far less tummy troubles.

Fingers crossed.


May 5, 2011 - 4:23 pm

Dan - You’re in luck! Forecast is devoid of rain for the next 5 days. Let’s take advantage.

May 5, 2011 - 4:48 pm

Auntie Jenny - Sweet photo!!

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