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R.I.P. The Black Swede and Island Heather

You will be missed.  And not just by me.  Friends of mine who may or may not have met you have already launched complaints that you have retired your blogs.  I, too, can’t deny being a little bummed that you are gone.  My morning routine has long included a visit to your world, and now I find myself a little lost as I sit down at the computer with my coffee and a few minutes to spare. 

I also can’t deny understanding where you are coming from.  I find myself with very little to blog about lately.  My world now revolves around a lot of poo, pee, and whether my nights are sleepless or sleepful. Major life events have changed from outings, friends and workplace challenges to planning my day around Jaia’s naps, baby pictures, playdates, tummy time and baby firsts that only family members care to hear about.   So the fact that Kris and Heather have a lot going on in their lives and very little time to sit down and amuse me is totally understandable and forgiveable.

But for me, the odd chance to actualy use my brain and write something for adult consumption is worth keeping the blog alive.  I spend most of my days chatting and singing to a 5-month old and since she doesn’t say much back beyond growls and bellows, blog posts keep me sane (though admittedly they are few and far between these days).

My fingers are crossed that the Black Swede and Island Heather might miss sharing their personal lives with friends and strangers enough to make a comeback someday…but in the meantime, there are always openings for blog contributors at  Send your resumés and two writing samples our way if you are interested in joining our winning team.

May 28, 2007 - 8:37 am

Kristin - Thanks, Shan. It has been fun. I just didn’t care to watch the Black Swede die a slow and painful death. At one point, I was getting an average of 150 hits a day. For the past two months, that number has dropped to about 30, which just tells me that others have figured out what I suspected all along…the blog was getting BO-ring. Even to me. And I found that I was spending an inordinate amount of time complaining about the weather, which gets annoying in person, so I can imagine that the same is true for “in blog.”

Thanks to Dan, I’m now “Contributor Kris” on, for when the mood hits. 🙂

May 28, 2007 - 11:00 am

Heather - Hey Shannen,
Thanks for your touching post….in fact….it was so touching that I have decided to start blogging again….!
Actually, seriously. When I posted about retiring I was having a really bad day at work…it’s been about one week and I miss it quite a bit. So….yeah. I’m fickle. Or a liar. Or both. But either way…the bitch is back.
Thanks for reading!!

May 28, 2007 - 11:17 am

Shannen - Yay to the new Contributor kris and to Heather making a comeback. Could a dreary Monday get any better?

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