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Day 259 – End of my rope

I know I sound like a broken record, but quite frankly, I’m too tired to care.  We are not sleeping.  Or should I say Wes isn’t sleeping which means we aren’t sleeping.  Some nights he’s up once or twice, but some nights, like last night, we are up closer to 12-15 times.

It’s taking a toll.  And quite frankly, at this point, I’m willing to try anything.  I’ve done some reading this week and it seems I have a couple of choices: cry it out or not.  A few friends have suggested that we try to cry it out, that it worked for them, and within a couple of days, a full night’s sleep.  Some others don’t believe in that method or couldn’t stand the idea of listening to their babies cry and doing nothing about it.

I’m on the fence.  I’d rather not listen to Wes cry and do nothing about it, but I also really, really, really, REALLY need to sleep.  And I mean REALLY need to sleep.

The first step is to wait for Wes’ ear infection to say sayonara.  We can’t do any sort sleep training while he’s not 100%.  So that gives me a few more days to decide on a course of action.

Until then, I can be thankful that although he is getting very little sleep, he remains one happy little dude.  Days with him are pleasant and joyful and they almost make the long nights seem worth it.  Almost.

January 27, 2011 - 8:49 am

Ellen - Wish we lived close-I would love to cuddle Wes for a night or two and I know Lois, Sue, Shirley + Michelle- would as well! You would get many nights of sleep. Hang in there. He is so adorable.

January 27, 2011 - 2:18 pm

Alicia - Oh Shan…I remember those days. I can only say that is does get better. Very hard to believe right – now but he’ll eventually get there.

January 27, 2011 - 2:18 pm

Alicia - Humphrey was my word – fitting seeing as I saw him yesterday out for a stroll.

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