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Shameful belatedness.

Friday was my sister’s birhtday. She should have received a post of her own to commemorate the day, but I was too busy, which is a crappy excuse. But I was. But not to busy to call, which I did. Phewf.

I’m happy to report, that even without my ‘Happy Birfday’ wishes, Liz went on to have a fabulous dinner with the parentals and an absolutely smashing, alcohol-fueled, stay-out-until-3:30-am kind of night…the kind that you regret most of the next day. What more can a girl ask for?

Liz, welcome to the 26-30 survey category. It’s actually more fun than it looks.


December 17, 2006 - 10:31 pm

Lizzie Jean - Thanks for the birthday wishes. I love that picture. I’m starting to make a habit out of wearing tiaras out to bars. It makes for a great night.

December 18, 2006 - 8:01 am

dan - You could be the Imelda Marcos of tiaras, a closet full of them, one for every occasion!

Happy bDay bLiz.

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