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Day 218 – Non-commital

In each house we move into, the last thing I tackle is the wall art.  I wait months to hang all my pictures because I don’t want to have to move them if I change my mind.  I’m very non-commital.  It’s a big decision and one I never rush into.

That is unless you KNOW what you want hanging where.  And when it came to the wall just inside our foyer, I just KNEW.  There was no better picture to have hanging there.

A close up.

Jaia drew this picture of all of us.  And wrote all of our names without asking for help.  She draws one or fie of these almost every single day.  She adores drawing and I adore watching her skills improve.  Hair was once just lines drawn beside the character’s head, now, now it is attached to the character’s head and varies in length, depending on who she’s drawing.  Now girls wear high heels and bows in their hair, babies have only one curl on their heads and men wear pants.  Watching the details change and improve through her drawings makes it that much more real to me that she’s growing up.  How deliciously lovely and heartbreaking all in the same breath.

And now the real problem is where and how to store the piles and piles of artwork.  Any experienced mamas have any ideas for me?

December 17, 2010 - 11:05 am

Claudia - She is just amazing!

December 17, 2010 - 11:44 am

Auntie Jenny - that is so great!! nice choice 🙂

December 17, 2010 - 5:14 pm

Michelle Sweet - Cute pic Jaia!! Shannen, I have tried to keep all the exceptional artwork which amounts to a lot over the years. haha My brother takes closeup pictures like you did of this one, and keeps them stored on the computer (&backed up) so his fam can access them anytime to admire and reminisce. And then just keeps the odd extra special one. Hope this helps.

December 18, 2010 - 10:37 am

Auntie Kris - I can’t remember where I saw them, but I saw these frames that hold 30+ pictures and the front has a little hinge, you can open it and rotate in the latest creation behind the matting (built into the front of the frame). I’ll think about it…I’m sure I’ll be able to remember where I saw them!

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