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Day 121 – Four.

I can’t believe 4 months have passed.  I know I say that every month, but it just amazes me how fast time flies.  It feels like much more than 121 days since I was sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting to be called into the operating room.

Over the last month Wesley has changed from a newborn who seemed to cry much of the time he was awake, to a VERY content little guy who will happily amuse himself in his crib after he wakes up (for a few minutes anyway), or laugh heartily at the ridiculous sounds and faces that Dan, Jaia or I make for him.

Wes spent this month teetering from side to side before he took the plunge and rolled all the way over last week.  Keeping him in one spot has become quite a challenge.  He’s either making his way around the floor in big circles on his back or on he’s his tummy trying his hardest to inch his way forward.  With the right incentive (chasing his sister around) I don’t think it’ll be too long before he’s completely on the go.  (see what I mean by time flying??)

This month he also discovered his hands and, more recently, his feet.  He’ll now grab for toys that are put in front of him and is starting to show a preference for certain ones.   His personality is really starting to show.  He’s funny and he loves watching his sister as she buzzes around him.  He seems shy and if we are holding him and a stranger comes to say hello, he’ll flash a gigantic smile, and then bury his face in our necks to hide.

When they are tiny babies and they aren’t yet eating solids or sleeping through the night (we are not one of the lucky ones – the longest stretch was 7 hours, but then last night he was up 4 (!) times) you think this phase will never end.  The light at the end of the tunnel still feels miles away. It isn’t until they’ve grown a little that you can look back and really appreciate how fleeting the newborn stage really is.  I remind myself of this as I’m trying to make it through yet another night feeding, wishing this was the last.  One day I will look back on the quiet, peaceful, sweet moments where I had him all to myself and will miss them.

Happy 4 months, Little One.

September 13, 2010 - 4:42 am

Dan - The laugh is the best sound ever.

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