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Day 95 – The tooth doctor

A few weeks ago I took Jaia to the dentist.  My dentist.  The same one that I’ve been seeing since I was little.  I’m not sure who was more excited, Jaia or Dr. Fong.

We talked about the visit for a few days before to prepare her, but nothing could prepare me for how grown up she seemed.  I thought she might be afraid, I was sure there would be tears, but nada.  She was so brave.  And that was even before she knew she’d get rewarded with a new toy at the end of the visit.

Making sure I was coming with:

The hygenist explaning what she was up to:

Counting teeth:

She gets to met the infamous Dr. Fong:

She was so good that Dr. Fong insisted she get TWO toys to take home:

If only my visits to the dentist were that easy, successful and painless.  😐

August 17, 2010 - 10:33 am

Gary - My brother, who is a dentist, has said that kids are almost always WAY better patients than adults. He can’t believe some of the gas rig workers who come in there and are the biggest pussies of all.

August 18, 2010 - 8:55 am

Auntie Kris - It does get a tad less fun when all you’re leaving with is a bill and a frozen mouth…

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