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Day 62 – New kicks!

Last week, Jaia started soccer.  She was insanely excited.  We spend the morning shopping and bought her the cutest little sneaks I’ve ever seen.

With water bottle in hand, she was ready.

At the field, she was introduced to some new friends and off they went.

When she played soccer at 2 years old, it was chaos.  Kids running every which way with their soccer balls in hand.  This time though, they had skills.  Not hardcore ‘world cup’ level skills, but they were far more agile and seemed to know what they were doing.

Even in the 100% humidity, Jaia had a blast.  She was sad to see it end and spent the rest of the week talking about soccer and asking how many more sleeps until next time.

100% adorable.

July 15, 2010 - 12:11 am

Lisa D - jaia, you make your auntie d so proud. keep on kicking girl!

July 15, 2010 - 8:12 am

Auntie Kris - Yup, that is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

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