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Beige is the new pink

So I figured that it was time for an update. A painting update, that is. Dan poked obvious fun at me a few posts back, claiming that we were painting beige over beige. To his credit, we were. We were painting a beautiful shade of olive-beige over a horrid shade of pink-beige. And I’m happy to report that the coverage was flawless. I’m thrilled with how it turned out.

I guess a bit of history is necessary at this point. Though we are not responsible for the horrid pink-beige, we are to blame for taking 2.5 years to do something about it. The previous owners of our house had awful taste in paint colour. To go along with the pink, they chose a dark dusty blue, which on it’s own would have been lovely. But together, they make our house look like a nursery, as you can see. (They also painted one of the bedrooms purple and neon lime green. Bizarre.)

So since we were turning our house upside down to paint the pink away, we decided to paint over the tired blue as well. It’s progressing along as fast as possible, but we’ve already given up two full weekends and 4 week nights to the dreaded task. We’ve taken the past few days off in preparation for the worst part: the staircases. Both are two stories high and have no solid area to stand on. Dan decided that he would craft some sort of apparatus that will hold his weight and allow him to reach the highest areas. I’m not as confident. In fact, I’m a bit nervous. But I trust him, so we’ll see.

Wish us (or should I say Dan – there’s no way I’ll be standing on that thing) luck! And stay tuned for an update. Our estimated date of completion is February 23rd. 😐

February 17, 2006 - 9:03 am

Kristin. - We tackled our two-story stairway by painting it with one of those extension poles, leaning over the railing that runs along the upstairs hallway. Any chance that technique would work for you?

Damn…you’re making me feel bad. Time to start painting again too…

February 17, 2006 - 9:19 am

shannen - Unfortunately, we aren’t very skillful painters, so using that method would ensure we’d paint a large portion of the ceiling as well. The apparatus should alllow us to tape along the ceiling and avoid further work down the line…I think.

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