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One month old

Yes, I’m serious.  Our Sweet Wes is already a month old.  It feels like it passed so fast, but it might be the sleepless haze I’m living in that  has erased so much of the last 4 weeks for me.

The funny thing is that as I’m wishing Wes would just sleep through the night, I’m also desperately trying to breathe in every single moment with him, remembering that when Jaia was this little/young, the moments were gone before I had a chance to really enjoy them.  And as much as I could do without the frequent feedings, bum changes and the CRYING at all hours, I know that I’ll look back fondly on this time and claim it slipped away too fast.

The last month has been amazing.  Eye-opening.  Jaw-dropping.  Terrifying.  I looked forward to having Wes for so long but I didn’t know how much he would change me once he got here.  Actually, he’s changed all of us.  For the better.  He’s been a part of our family for for four short weeks and yet I cannot imagine what my life was like before him.

We feel very, very lucky.

June 9, 2010 - 10:53 pm

Dominik - Great pictures of Dan! And baby of course.

June 9, 2010 - 10:53 pm

Dominik - That top one is from Auntie Jenny btw….

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