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The Big Sis

The party was awesome.  And Jaia was the princess.  And anytime she can be the princess, she is one HAPPY little lady.

So far, Jaia has been super.  She is very proud of being a big sister and wants to look at and be close to Baby Wes a lot of the time, but has also been focused on things other than him.  She hasn’t shown even a smidge of jealousy at all, even when some of her favourite people held him today.

She just seems content to have the three of us home with her.  She’s even referred to Wes as ‘our baby’.  And he is.  Look at us, a family of four.  Amazing.

May 16, 2010 - 10:20 am

Julie - Congratulations Jaia! I can’t imagine you’ll be anything but an amazing big sister. Your parents must be so proud of you.

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