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Day 302 – Spookalicious.



Jaia loves apples.  LOVES.  She goes crazy when she sees one and gnaws at it with her teeny teeth until you take it away.  Today was no different.  I gave her an apple as an afternoon snack and she went to town…on one side.  The other side was almost completely ignored, but for a few bites. 

And then, after I put the bean down for a nap and I noticed it there…looking at me. 


It seems that Jaia might be more in the Halloween spirit than I thought possible for a 10-month old.  Perfect.


October 29, 2007 - 11:00 pm

Duncan - Ok… that is about the cutest picute sequence i have ever seen!!! I am really sad that i have not goten to meet jaia yet, and i cant wait until dad and i get a chance to come down and see her!

October 30, 2007 - 9:31 am

Lizzie Jean - At least it looks like a jack-o-latern and not some image of the virgin mary. Unless…

October 30, 2007 - 9:34 am

EAP - That’s just scary. If she starts to levitate tomorrow evening, call the exorcist!

October 30, 2007 - 10:30 am

Alicia - Adorable and hilarious.

October 30, 2007 - 12:44 pm

Sonja - great – can Jaia come over tonight to do my pumpkin?

October 31, 2007 - 9:12 pm

Kris - I always knew she was talented! She carved her first pumpkin…with her teeth.

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