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Friday Goodness – April 16

This latest edition of ‘Friday Goodness’ is being written under dark and gloomy skies with a dark and gloomy forecast for the whole weekend ahead.  Boo to rain on Saturdays.

1.  BUCKLING – Jaia has learned how to buckle herself into her carseat.  And she LOVES to do it herself each and every time we go for a ride.  I can’t decide if my 3 year old mastering that skill  has me excited or terrified.  But with another one to buckle on the way, I guess the timing couldn’t be better…

2.  LUNCH WITH OLD FRIENDS – Jaia and I are having lunch with an old friend today.  I haven’t seen EAP in months and a catch-up session is long overdue.  I’m very excited.

3.  AN EVENING OUT – My friend Glenna’s husband turned 40 this week.  To celebrate a party is planned at the local pub.  And by local, I mean less than a 5 minute walk from my house.  I’m pretty excited to get out and see some faces I haven’t seen in awhile.  What’s even better is not having to worry about fitting into my skinny jeans at almost 36 weeks pregnant.  Stretchy, comfortable, mostly unflattering maternity pants it is.

4.  TILES – Dan has decided to work on the tiles in front of our fireplace and in our foyer this weekend.  The fireplace ones have been missing for an embarrassing 1.5 years.  The entryway, just a couple of months.  Either way, when finished, both areas are going to look amazing and I can’t wait to have things a little more complete.  We’re getting there, people, we’re getting there.

5.  BIRTHDAY PARTIES – Even though the weather looks poopy, there’s nothing better about Friday than the fact that it is followed by Saturday.  It’s finally time for the weekend after a very, very, very long week.  And this week our Saturday will be spent ringing in a little boy’s first birthday.  I’m in charge of the cake.  Yummmm…cake.

Welcome to the weekend, my friends.  What are you looking forward to?

April 19, 2010 - 8:06 am

Auntie Kris - I keep getting ‘bunion’ as my security word…?

What I was looking forward to on Friday was good weather, a photoshoot on Saturday, and a glorious, lazy Sunday. Mission accomplished.

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