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Day 281 – Thankful


This year I am thankful for:

1.  Jaia.  Nothing makes me happier than that little girl.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

2.  Family and Friends.  This should come as no surprise.  Dan, my family, my family-in-law and my friends – old and new – are simply amazing.

3.  My new flash.  I finally got around to buying a Nikon Speedlight Flash for indoor photography and I’m absolutely elated with the results.  Without it, up until now, I’ve wasted a lot of time unable to take pictures like this:


4.  Uninterrupted sleeps.  It doesn’t happen often, but when it does…Magic. 

5.  Maternity and Parental Leave in Canada.  I can’t imagine not having had this time at home with Jaia.  I feel so lucky.

Parents in this country are entitled to 50 weeks of leave when they give birth (or adopt).  In most other countries, new parents are entitled to much, much less.  According to a list I found, one of the worst offenders is the United States.  They have no paid maternity or parental leave benefits and offer only 12 weeks unpaid, though some more generous employers will give their employees up to 6 weeks (with pay).  And though we have it pretty sweet here in Canada, I do have to admit that I’m pretty envious of Swedish moms/parents who receive a whopping 480 days.

6.  Playgroups.  Especially in the beginning, it felt so amazing to have friends experiencing the whole baby thing (for the first or second time) at the same time as I was.  Those girls kept me sane. 

7.  Indian summers.  The weather has been beyond gorgeous for a lot longer than it should have this year.  We have taken full advantage and have been soaking up the warm days and spending as much time as possible outside.  And now, just in time, we are ready for real fall weather and the snuggly warm sweaters and pjs that come along with it.

8.  Friends who move to warm, beautiful places that we can visit (hopefully often).

9.  Lists.

I could go on, but won’t.  It would take too long.  2007 (and the last 9 minutes of 2006) have been absolutely phenomenal.  And there is still so much, including Christmas and Jaia’s birthday and party, to look forward to.  Excellent.  I can’t wait.


October 10, 2007 - 4:45 am

rachel Edwards - Maternity leave is a great thing. We get 39 weeks ‘paid’ (not much pay – about £100 a week, but it’s something) and then another 13 weeks unpaid. I can’t wait. But I too am jealous of them Swedes!

Gorgeous photos.

October 10, 2007 - 1:00 pm

EAP - Re: #5 Mat and Pat leave. Don’t envy those Swedes. In order to provide their ridiculous amount of leave, they have to tax the crap out of income earners. Sweden is one of the most taxed jurisdictions in the world and the electorate there is finally waking up and electing governments that will cut out the silly socialist tax and spend policies that are driving their economy into the ground.

In the US, at least people get to keep most of the income they earn and get to decide how to spend it, like adults.

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