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Day 264 – Inside and Out.

8 months and 20 days. 

37 weeks and 5 days.

264 days.


Jaia is 264 days old today.  But the number is also important to me because that’s how many days I was pregnant with her. Jaia has offically been outside of me as long as she was inside and to be honest, it’s hard to picture what my life was like before.  Though I do think there was probably a lot more sleep happening 528 days ago…

The night she was born, I held this tiny blob in my arms and was terrified that I would somehow break her.  And just yesterday, my tiny blob proved that she was big enough to climb the stairs all by herself (and yes, we caught it all on video!).  So.  Now I sit here, quite terrified that she might be ready to start walking all on her own. 


And then all hell breaks loose.  😐

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