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Day 229 – The big league.

Jaia had her swim in a big pool while we were away. It was a bit of a special event for she and her dad because it took place at the same pool in Kipling, SK where, from 1993 to 1995, Dan was once a lifeguard and swim instructor.  Jaia was obviously in good hands.

And Uncle Brett was there to keep her amused…


When Dan got there, a few of the local kids (now lifeguards) remembered him as their instructor from when they were little and were whispering and pointing at the wall that lists all the lifeguards that had worked at the pool since it opened in ’93.  It was a bit like a celebrity had returned home.  Jaia was one proud little lady.

August 22, 2007 - 6:33 pm

Island Heather - Cuteness!!

Looks like fun 🙂

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