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Our Tuesday…

After hibernating for the last few months, finding something to do to keep both Jaia and I entertained and occupied during the day is suddenly MUCH easier.

On a whim, I called my hairdresser, who was able to fit me in for a 12 noon haircut.  I’ve never been one who can plan something like a haircut months in advance.  In fact, I just don’t understand that at all.  If I want it cut, it has to be that day or not at all.  So when she had a free hour, I jumped at the chance.  Besides, Jaia loves going with me.  She’s very much a girly girl, so a day at the salon suits her just fine.  Especially because of the twirly chairs.

I tried to convince Jaia to get a trim of her own, but she would have none of it.  She wants to have long hair, like a mermaid, since that’s what she wants to be when she grows up, and you never see mermaids with short hair.  She has a point.  I conceded.

So the hairdresser convinced Jaia to let her style her hair instead.  Within a few seconds she was perched up on the chair, staring at herself  mirror with a GIANT smile on her face.  A few minutes after that, she was glowing with beautifully French-braided hair.  Totally adorable.

As we headed back to the car, I noticed the meter maid pulling in behind where we were parked.  A quick glance at my phone told me the meter was up and he/she was writing a us a ticket.  Without thinking, I scooped Jaia up and booked it down the street to get there in time.

Picture it:  Newly coifed, very pregnant mama with french-braided kid in her arms, tearing down the street at full speed (or as full speed as I could manage).  My guess is that it wasn’t pretty.  Nor was the panting I was doing after we got to the car.

The good news:  No ticket.  The bad news:  I still had 4 minutes left on the meter and was in no real danger of getting a ticket anyway.  It was all for nothing.  Oh well.

At this point the sun was shining brightly and it was HOT (or maybe that was just me, still out of breath from my mini-marathon) so I decided that rather than go home, we’d make a pit-stop at one of our favourite paths and go for a bike ride.  I luckily had Jaia’s trike in the trunk and my camera bag with me, and I could think of no better way to spend an hour or two.

It was awesome.  We both enjoyed ourselves so much.  Treasure hunting, photo-taking, rock throwing, sun-gazing…It was perfect.

See for yourself.

Notice the braids…

And then she tired of the braids…

The end.

March 17, 2010 - 7:47 am

Dan - I’m sad I missed the adventure, looked like fun. That certainly is a nice basket on her bike … perfect for carrying red pandas or other friends.

March 18, 2010 - 12:20 pm

Auntie Jenny - She’s such a beautiful little girl! Looks like she has grown a lot since Feb.

Love the braids 🙂

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