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Warm Fuzzies

Namely, the Warm Fuzzy Jar.  That’s what we’ve instituted in our house and it works like a charm.

Jaia is a good kid.  A really good kid.  And I’m not just saying that on the blog to make people believe it.  She really is.  Our naughty stool went virtually unused for months on end because we just didn’t need it.  No problem was too big that a conversation about it wouldn’t solve it.

And then she turned three.  I won’t say it all went to hell in a handbasket (that’s a ridiculous saying, I wouldn’t say it even if it were true…or made sense), but things have changed a little.  Our quiet, sweet, sensitive bean has acquired a voice.  A loud voice. She can be stubborn and if she wants something to go her way, she’ll let you know.

So, after having our quiet, sweet, sensitive daughter all along, Dan and I were fairly unprepared for such a change.  It wasn’t an every day occurrence, but the episodes were far more frequent than we would have liked.  Dan and I aren’t really punishers or voice raisers so we suddenly found ourselves in quite the predicament.  The naughty stool re-emerged with less than glowing results.  Talking calmly and quietly went ignored.  The silent treatment was laughable.   We were at a loss.

And then I saw it.  On one of my favourite blogs, a mom talked about the warm fuzzy jar she used for her kids.  The (very) simple concept is this: Kid  does something awesome without being asked or follows directions without whining, etc and they get a ‘warm fuzzy’.  We are using pompoms as our warm fuzzies.  Pretty coloured ones, just cause it’s more fun.  (White cotton balls would work just as well).  Once the jar is full, The kid gets a reward.  Depending on how your household works, this can be whatever you and your family deems reward-worthy.  A day out at the movies, a new toy, kids choice of restaurant.  Whatever.

So far it’s been brilliant.  Jaia works hard to get the warm fuzzies added to her jar and she takes pride in each one she adds.  She already seems to be back to her old self.  Tantrums have faded and are few and far between again.  It’s been lovely.  So much so that …it gives me the warm fuzzies.  😉

February 23, 2010 - 6:56 pm

Auntie Jenny - Best idea I’ve heard in a long time!

February 23, 2010 - 8:35 pm

Kris - What an awesome idea. What will her reward be for a full jar?

On another note, the phrase “to hell in a handbasket” always makes me think of those hilarious cards in the card store in the bottom of 100 Queen. Remember those?

February 23, 2010 - 9:48 pm

shannen - I can totally picture that card.

As for the reward, I think we’ll give Jaia a few options and let her pick. Unless I find something awesome in the meantime.

February 24, 2010 - 1:41 pm

Dan - I want a warm fuzzy jar. Can you make one for me and add Farm Boy sour jubes for good deeds, the prize at the end being I get to eat them? Red ones only 🙂

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