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Day 113 – Loooooooong overdue.

As you may remember, when we found out that I was pregnant, we started up a baby pool so that our friends and family could play along with predictions of birthdate and baby weight.  The winner was to receive the much sought after photo of the baby wearing a shirt that would read “I love ______ (winner’s name)”.

We announced shortly after Jaia was born that the ‘lucky’ winner was my cousin’s daughter, Brittany.  But then we forgot to do anything about it.  Whoops.  Our sincere apologies to the very patient Miss Brittany.

So, without further ado…


April 25, 2007 - 6:47 am

dan - She looks wise in this photo. I like it 🙂

April 29, 2007 - 10:27 pm

Shannen - It’s not just the photo. She is wise.


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