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Summer of brotherly love.

This August, within two weeks of each other, both my brother and Dan’s brother are getting married to wonderful gals.


Duncan and Stephanie are getting hitched in mid-August in Red Deer.  Though we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Steph in person, we’ve heard nothing but the most amazing things about this girl since they first started dating.  We are very much looking forward to seeing these two get married -especially since there was a chance we wouldn’t have been able to make it.  But with some swift re-scheduling, we should make it just in time for the ceremony – and wil thankfully be staying for a few days after to catch up with everybody.



When my brother finally asked his girlfriend Vinnie to marry him and I couldn’t have been happier (and it’s not just becausse she is the Best. Cook. Ever. ) These two are perfect for each other and were meant to be together.  And she was meant to be part of our family.  She has always been incredibly warm and welcoming to all of us and she always pays special attention to Jaia who thinks the world of her Auntie Vinnie.

With a couple of other weddings to look forward to IN AUGUST (including Kris and Kurt’s, in beautiful Victoria), it looks like the Fullertons dance card will be full this summer!

June 8, 2009 - 6:05 am

rachel - When will you be in Victoria? Alas, we’re missing the K&K wedding by a matter of days but if you’re there before the 12th then maybe the babies could have a play date?

June 10, 2009 - 7:20 am

Shannen - Rachel! We will be arriving on the 12th in the afternoon, I believe. When are you leaving? I would love a playdate (cofffee for the mamas) if we can squeeze it in.

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