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Jaia’s last gymnastics class is next week.  Other than the fact that it starts at 8:15 am, I think we are all going to miss it.  For the first time, Jaia was in a classroom type setting with an instructor that she needed to pay attention to and it was really neat to see.  Ours was nicknamed ‘Kiwi’ (no explanantion given) and Jaia loved her.  Teacher’s pet, maybe?  But mostly I think their connection came from the sticker Kiwi gave out to each of them at the end of each class that really won her over.

Jaia’s best trick:  A tie between an excellent somersault (she was one of the first in the class to do one on her own) and hanging on the bar, her true specialty.

A gymnast in the making?  Only time will tell.

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