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You mean they just give you books for free?

A few weeks ago, I started taking Jaia to the library on Saturday mornings.  We rumble around the kids area, she pulls book after book off the shelf, and I edit her choices down to 3 books to take home.  She’s almost overwhelmed by the shelves and shelves of books that are there for the taking!

I remember loving the library when I was a kid, whether it was the Silverwood Heights bookmobile in Saskatoon, or the tiny volunteer-staffed library in Dinsmore.  I’ve fallen out of the habit since moving to Ottawa, but it’s definitely something I want to get back into.

Jaia’s really taken to books these past few months, settling on favourites that we read every night at least once (Rosie to the Rescue, Freckleface Strawberry, and Fish Out of Water).   I hope that fascination with books continues, and that the bi-weekly trip to the library is a big part of that.

And maybe one of these times we can rope Mamma into the routine 🙂

December 14, 2008 - 11:30 am

Auntee Jennee - A Fish out of Water is one of her favorites? Too funny.. she is taking after her auntie jenny.

December 14, 2008 - 4:54 pm

Kristin - That’s great…I have great memories of spending Saturday mornings at the local library when I was a kid too. Free books are the greatest!

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