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All gingered out.

So I’ll spare you most of the details of my looooooooooooong – started at 5 am – Sunday.  It was typical volunteer work: help out here, do this, run this to that person….and it lasted all day.  My feet were throbbing by mid-afternoon but we were told that this was the most succesful Gingerbread Event they’ve ever had.  Whether or not they tell that to all the volunteers, I’ll never know…nor do I want to.

Some observations from the day:

  • I am a kick-ass gingerbread house maker.  Before yesterday I had never ever put one together and mine were awesome.  I was even asked to make replacements for the duds that made their way to the tables.  Nice.
  • Speaking of the duds, I was shocked at what people considered to be decent enough to sell.  Each house was put together (just the structure – the decorating was for the kiddos) and placed at a table where people spent $25 (yes, $25!) on a seat to sit and decorate it.  If people are spending $25 on a gingerbread house, pay a little attention and do a good job.  Most did not.   Someone even placed a house with a cracked, caved-in roof on the table to sell.  Ya, thanks for showing up.
  • Speaking again of the duds.  I don’t think it was their fault.  They were teenagers.  Some very young.  It turns out that, in Ottawa, high school students are required to fulfill a volunteer hour quota to get a course credit.  So most of the girls there were only there because they had to be.  And you could tell.
  • Teenagers talk about ridiculous things.  A lot.  And loudly.
  • Everyone there had seen Twilight and “LOVED IT!”  And Robert Pattinson is “SO HOT!” 
  • Yesterday totally got me in the Christmas spirit.  It sounds SO cheesy, but seeing the kids faces light up when Santa came in the room (best Santa I had ever seen, by the way), hearing the Christmas music and taking part in the decorating made me wish it was already December (my self-imposed decorating start date) and that we were already digging into our Advent calendars in anticipation.  I love Christmas and after a very difficult fall, for so many reasons, I’m thrilled that the magic of the Christmas season is finally here.  Next stop: A cruise down Taffy Lane.
November 24, 2008 - 1:26 pm

Auntie Jen - You are funny!

Wish I could come on the Taffy Lane cruise 🙁

November 25, 2008 - 4:44 pm

Sonja - I once made a gingerbread house (more of a mansion really) from scracth and it was positively exhausting… granted I was using a Martha Stewart recipe complete with glass windows made out of corn syrup candy and very intricate piping work to look like wood siding. It was absolutely gorgeous but wow, it took forever and i think I ended up using a glue gun and wine corks to support the roof.

We tried to save it for the next Christmas but it collasped in April.

December 3, 2008 - 12:27 pm

Heather - Mmmmm. Gingerbread houses.

I’m back by the way.

December 4, 2008 - 3:49 pm

shannen - Oh, Heather! I had faith you’d come back – and just as I took a hiatus myself (but I’m back too…as of tomorrow).

I can’t wait to read more of what you’ve been up to………

I knew you wouldn’t dessert us. 😉

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