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My new baby

We bought ourselves a housewarming gift mere hours after taking possesion of the new house.

I love my D-50, don’t get me wrong, but I was really missing having a little camera to carry around.  With the big one, I always felt like I was ‘missing the moment’ as I would heave it out of my bag, search for the speedlight flash, fix the settings AND…the action had passed.  The photos of the post-action were always amazing, but not quite what I had set out to capture.

So now our little Canon allows us to not miss a thing.  Including catching some adorable Jaia moments on video!  Before she was born we had purchased a fabulous video camera, but like the D-50, was never in reach when you needed it.  Or charged.  Or with a new tape in it. 

So, even though I’ve spent much of the summer either not blogging or not posting photos, all that is about to change.  The weather is finally improving and so we’ll be getting out more.  We’ve taken oodles of photos in the house, but my faves are always the ones taken outside.

I think the challenge to myself is to start posting the photo of the day again.  Those who cared when I was posting them have mentioned that they miss them and still tune in in hopes of a new one.  Our situation hasn’t changed much in that we still live TOO FAR from family and they still rarely get to see the bean, so I owe them at least a few photo posts a week.  She just changing too much and being too cute to keep it to myself.

SO.  My challenge is to post more photos (not all will be of Jaia – though I bet most will be) and your challenge is to stop by more often.  And don’t forget to say hi now and then.  Recently a few comments have really taken me off-guard from friends I had NO IDEA visited the site (yes you, Jenee and Lisa D).  It literally made my day when I read what you wrote.  And in a summer filled with mostly gloomy days, we can all use something to brighten them up.  Thanks, girls.

August 20, 2008 - 2:45 pm

Sonja - Don’t let contributor Mark drop this one… it’s too cute.

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