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Such a Perfect Day

I love Georgetown.  Ever since I lived in Virginia and worked in Washington, D.C. in my  20s, I have loved Georgetown.  It is not super close to where my parents live anymore, so getting there for a visit when I am in town isn’t always an option.

On our last trip though, we decided to head down to the heart of Georgetown, as a family, and walk around.  It was colder than expected and time outside was attempted in short bursts, but it felt so awesome to be back and to finally share it with my three favourite people.  Perfect.

December 5, 2012 - 9:25 am

Julie - Me too! I loved walking there across the Dunbarton bridge from my apartment in DuPont Cirlce. Awe DC, forever in my heart.

December 5, 2012 - 10:14 am

Auntie Lizzie - So great…and haven’t been in so long! Looks like a great day!

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