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Day 84 – Falling behind.

We’ve had a busy summer so far.  And when I say busy, I mean BUSY.  We’ve seen a lot, done a lot and have hardly slept through it all.  That being said, trying to keep up with posting about the big events has taken a hit.  It’s not that they aren’t important, I just rarely have enough time to sit and compose, edit photos and post – so it just doesn’t get done..

July saw us taking 3 different trips.  The first was to Toronto.  Taking Jaia to the zoo was an absolute must this summer and we kept our word.  On one of the hottest days of the summer.  Where there was little to no shade.  But as hot and uncomfortable as we all were, getting to see Our little animal lover’s face light up at the sight of some of her faves, made it worth it.

The best part of the day for the Bean, by far, was a visit from the cheetah.

It was unreal.  We approached the cheetahs and Jaia stood front and center.  Like she’d called him, the cheetah looked up from the hill, got up and walked towards us.  He came right up to the glass – right up to Jaia – and stared at us, licked the glass, turned around and laid down.  She was over the moon.  And she had a new best friend and a cool story to boot.

Dan’s favourite:

My favourite:

Nana and Papoo’s favourite:

As Dan said a few days ago, we had a blast and will go back.  I just might push for a cool fall visit this time.

August 6, 2010 - 10:11 am

contributor mark - wow. that monkey shot is amazing.

August 10, 2010 - 9:19 am

cousin jen - i heart giraffes

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